Wednesday, July 4, 2012

It's a Good Life on a Boat

Been a while ago, but Susan and I took our honeymoon in April over her spring break. We went on a cruise to Cozumel, Roatan (Honduras), Belize, and grand cayman. While the trip was incredible it was overshadowed by being able to be with her 24/7 as we had not had any "us time" since we were married. After a whirlwind of travel and wedding and reception it was right back to work and the real world. For that reason this trip was amazing.

I've been on a few cruises before so got a good deal on a balcony sweet that was midship on the 8th deck: Close to everything; minimal rockage from waves; big enough to spend time in without claustrophobia. It was fantastic

Left: our room. Right: our view aft.

It was also nice to have a balcony to stand on without having to share room with thousands of people.

Our first stop was on Cozumel. I love Cozumel, the beaches are incredible; white sand, clear brilliantly blue water, English speaking attendees... Anyway, we got to the beach before anyone else so got a front row beach chair and hung out for a few hours. I snorkeled and played with baby jellyfish. Susan  walked on the beach with me and otherwise had fun away from the water.

 Top Left: gearing up to snorkel. Top Right: My lovely Lady
 Bottom Left: our beach. Bottom Right: Baby Jelly.

We decided, after several hours, to go back to the ship and it was at that point that other people began to show up in force. Until then there had only been around 20-30 people out with us. Awesome :)

I won't go into how incredible the food was, or how plentiful, on the ship. Suffice it to say that we wanted for naught and I gained 12 pounds.

Second day was Roatan. Again we spent time on the beach. Again we were earlier than anyone so had fun before other people came out. The flowers and plants were the highlight of Roatan for me.

Susan got brave and got in the water! Then jumped on my back and had to be towed back in to shore when she stepped on some icky seaweed.

In my next post I'll talk about Belize and Cayman :) TTFN

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