Friday, December 17, 2010


Well, I haven't posted in a while now, but nobody has exactly been clamoring for me to too...

So made the move up to Missouri, and in doing so I successfully powerslid a uhaul around a corner (the stig would be proud).

Since being here I have (i think) helped tons around the house (i live with my parents...again), but I (with help) cleaned and organized the house; changed the faulty plumbing; cleaned and organized the garages (that one without help) and other various stuff.

I did finally get my massage license for missouri, so now I just have to get a car and a building.

Boringest blog post ever.


  1. But amazing work represented! plumbing, cleaning, organizing... that is no small contribution, my friend.

    P.S. Nathanael has just made up a place call North Malicornia (A derivative of California).

  2. So, do tell more about your life. I know there is more to post about...something about a lady...?
